FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - Consent: My Safety Network Worksheet


A safety network is a group of trusted adults that a child can turn to for support and guidance around issues related to consent. These adults could be parents, caregivers, teachers, coaches, or any other trusted adult that the child feels comfortable talking to about personal matters.

The safety network is a critical component in helping children understand what consent means, how to set boundaries, and how to respond when their boundaries are not respected. By working together, parents and other trusted adults can help create a safe and supportive environment where children feel empowered to make decisions about their own bodies and boundaries.

Our Consent: My Safety Network worksheet is designed to help children identify the adults in their safety network and understand the role that they play in supporting the child's emotional and physical safety. By completing this worksheet, children can gain a deeper understanding of what a safety network is, and how they can use it to seek help and guidance when they need it.


A safety network is a group of trusted adults that a child can turn to for support and guidance around issues related to consent. These adults could be parents, caregivers, teachers, coaches, or any other trusted adult that the child feels comfortable talking to about personal matters.

The safety network is a critical component in helping children understand what consent means, how to set boundaries, and how to respond when their boundaries are not respected. By working together, parents and other trusted adults can help create a safe and supportive environment where children feel empowered to make decisions about their own bodies and boundaries.

Our Consent: My Safety Network worksheet is designed to help children identify the adults in their safety network and understand the role that they play in supporting the child's emotional and physical safety. By completing this worksheet, children can gain a deeper understanding of what a safety network is, and how they can use it to seek help and guidance when they need it.

A safety network is a group of trusted adults that a child can turn to for support and guidance around issues related to consent. These adults could be parents, caregivers, teachers, coaches, or any other trusted adult that the child feels comfortable talking to about personal matters.

The safety network is a critical component in helping children understand what consent means, how to set boundaries, and how to respond when their boundaries are not respected. By working together, parents and other trusted adults can help create a safe and supportive environment where children feel empowered to make decisions about their own bodies and boundaries.

Our Consent: My Safety Network worksheet is designed to help children identify the adults in their safety network and understand the role that they play in supporting the child's emotional and physical safety. By completing this worksheet, children can gain a deeper understanding of what a safety network is, and how they can use it to seek help and guidance when they need it.